
alias definitions for geometry parts

All names of geometry parts need to be assigned to special aliases. There are multiple options to deal with the name of a geometry part:
  1. Explicit assignment of properties to full names of geometry parts
    • Declare full properties as explained below. Example:
      begin_alias{} "car" = " BC$BC_box$ ACTIVE$noinit_always$ IDENT%BND_slip% MAT$Mat1$ TOUCH%TOUCH_liquid% MOVE$MOVE_car$ LAYER0 CHAMBER1 " # full description end_alias
    • Assign properties of another alias. Example:
      begin_alias{} "windshield" = "&car&" # reference to alias car end_alias
  2. Automatical choice of properties based on patterns
    • Similar to 1, but matching multiple names with a wildcard. The wildcard-option is tried ONLY, if no direct match with the given aliases can be stablished. In this case, each of the matched names is available in postprocessing. Example: Names in geometry file: WheelFrontLeft, WheelFrontRight, WheelBackLeft, WheelBackRight
      begin_alias{} "Wheel*" = "&car&" # reference to alias car "*" = " BC$BC_box$ ACTIVE$noinit_always$ IDENT%BND_slip% MAT$Mat1$ TOUCH%TOUCH_liquid% MOVE$NO_MOVE$ LAYER0 CHAMBER1 " # full description end_alias
    • Using the DEFAULT properties for any group of names not specified via the options above. The alias-name-definition has to contain "_DEFAULT" at the end. See also __DEFAULT_configuration_file__ . Example:
      begin_alias{} "in*_DEFAULT" = "&car&" # reference to previously defined alias car end_alias
      For all those matching a DEFAULT-item, MESHFREE attaches "_DEFAULT" as a suffix to the given name from the geometry input, such that it can be recognized easily as DEFAULT-defined. The geomtry item "inflow1", matching the alias "in*_DEFAULT", will be named "inflow1_DEFAULT" for postprocessing.
    • DEPRECATED: Using default properties for any names not specified via the options above. All these names will be replaced by 'default'. Example:
      begin_alias{} "default" = "&car&" # reference to alias car end_alias
      Instead of "default", use "*_DEFAULT" in order to have a general default definition, that matches ALL geometry.
List of members:
ACTIVE (required) define the activation behavior of the boundary elements of this part
BC (required) define flag for boundary conditions
BC_PASSON (optional) for deactivated/disappearing boundary elements: give BC-flag to released MESHFREE points
BOUNDARYFILLING (optional) possibility to request reduced filling behavior for MESHFREE points for parts of the boundary
CHAMBER (required) define the chamber index for the geometry entities
COORDTRANS (experimental) define coordinate transformation to mathematically transform long thin geometries into short thick ones
IDENT (required) how to handle the geometry part during point cloud organization
IDENT_PASSON (optional) for deactivated/disappearing boundary elements: give IDENT-information to released MESHFREE points
IGNORE (optional) ignore this geometry item when reading from geometry file
LAYER (optional) define layer index
MAT (required) define the material flag to be used, when the geometry part fills new points (mostly for initial filling)
METAPLANE (optional) define a cutting plane for MESHFREE points
MOVE (required) provide a flag for the definition of boundary movement
MOVE_PASSON (optional) for deactivated/disappearing boundary elements: give MOVE-flag to released MESHFREE points
POSTPROCESS (optional) define flag for postprocessing/integration
REV_ORIENT (optional) flip around orientation of boundary parts upon read-in of geometry files
SMOOTH_LENGTH (optional) define flag for smoothing length definition
SMOOTH_N (experimental) invoke smoothing of the boundary
SYMMETRYFACE (optional) definition of the geometry part as symmetryface (influences distance computation)
THICKNESS (optional, experimental) defines the thickness of the shell elements
TOUCH (required) define the wetting/activation behavior of MESHFREE points along the given boundary part
TWOSIDED (experimental) copy the boundary entity re-orient it, and give other attributes to it